Friday, February 21, 2014

Natural Solutions - Fighting the Flu

Fight the Flu with Natural Solutions
Flu season isn't over yet. In fact it is in full swing, but that doesn't mean you can't take precaution to protect yourself, loved ones and even strangers from catching the bug. The Mayo clinic suggests washing your hands. (Thorough and frequent hand-washing is the best way to prevent many common infections. Scrub your hands vigorously for at least 15 seconds. Or use alcohol-based hand sanitizers if soap and water aren't readily available.) Contain your coughs and sneezes. (Cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough. To avoid contaminating your hands, cough or sneeze into a tissue or into the inner crook of your elbow.) And also to avoid crowds. (Flu spreads easily wherever people congregate - in child care centers, schools, office buildings, auditoriums and public transportation. By avoiding crowds during peak flu season, you reduce your chances of infection.) But let's not forgot other ways to help fight off the flu. Read more with Natural Solutions.
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Beat the Cold & Flu This Season
Here it is again, the cold and flu season when we all head indoors to share our sneezes and viruses. It's time to get serious about preventing illness, and that means caring for our personal air filter: the nose. Viruses are the worst seasonal offenders, and colds are the most common virus we pass around. But the influenza virus is so much worse than a cold. Most folks do not really understand the difference between these two illnesses, yet the difference can be deadly.
Ask the Doctor: Flu FAQS
Every month we ask top practitioners to address your health concerns. This month find answers for flu frequently asked questions such as "How can I tell if I have the flu and not just a common cold?" "Should I get a flu shot?" "What's the best way to avoid getting the flu?" Not to mention many need to know flu facts.
Immunity Superstars: The 10 Best Foods to Fight Off Colds and Flu
Diet is a crucial piece of the immunity puzzle. "Eating the right foods helps your immune system function optimally and makes you more resistant to infection," says Jennifer Johnson, ND, clinical professor at the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut. Here are the 10 powerhouse foods that will help you stay strong and sniffle-free all winter.
Garlic Grilled Asparagus
Garlic is something that can help to fight off the flu, so why not mix it with asparagus and the grill? It's amazing! Read more here.

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