Dr. Catherine Gardner, Psy D., JD is a Clinical Psychologist with more than 15 years experience in the area of behavioral health. Dr. Gardner has provided assessment & treatment services for Child Guidance. She has provided forensic psychosexual evaluations for JJPI and dependency and delinquency evaluations in the Philadelphia Courts. Dr. Gardner has a strong commitment to supporting families with accessing appropriate and effective treatment for their children.
Sheila Gillin, LCSW, is a Clinical Social Worker with a specialization in child and adolescent therapy. She is the Program Director for a Girls Leadership Program currently being offered in six are middle schools. The curriculum of this grant funded program focuses on the developmental issues of 7th and 8thgrade girls including peer pressure, self-esteem, body image and bullying. Sheila had facilitated various teacher in service workshops and is the Senior Assistant Director of Admissions for Graduate and Undergraduate degrees at Bryn Mawr College.
Joyce Samango, B.S, has been working at Child Guidance for 13 years. She has helped hundreds of families work through the Medical Assistance process to receive
coverage for their behavioral health needs. She is Child Guidance's resident MA expert. She currently works as a
Case Manager in the Multi-Systemic Therapy and Specialized Service programs at Child Guidance.
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