Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Funds for Home Modificati​ons

Subject: Funds for Home Modifications
Good morning, All. I wanted to let you know about the availability of some funds for home modifications. In conjunction with Delco’s Office of Housing & Community Development, Celia Jenkins of my agency (the Self-Determination Housing Project), manages home modifications through the Pennsylvania Accessible Housing Program. Currently, Celia is accepting applications for these fundswith the following preferences:
1. Households at or below 50% of area median income
2. NHT
3. Assistance to households where a serious medical condition exists for the person with a disability
4. Prevention of institutionalization of a person with a disability
5. Assistance to households receiving County Housing Rehab Loan Program Funds for major systems repairs
 Please contact Celia directly at the above email or at 610.873.9595 if you have questions about this program. Happy holidays to you! 

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