Back To School
This can be a hectic time for students and parents as a new school year begins. The to-do list may include health checkups, getting children into a sleep routine, planning healthy lunches or preparing students facing major transitions into a new grade or school. Natural Solutions offers these tips on how to make the transition back to school less stressful.
Deciding whether or not to vaccinate your child is a decision many parents struggle with. We don't take a stand on the vaccine debate, rather provide information on both sides of the issue and allow you to make an informed decision. Although diseases like polio, measles, mumps, and rubella seem less common, they do still represent a health risk.
The diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis combination, often called the D-TaP shot and given to children 6 years of age and under, can be given to new students at the same time, along with the final dose of the polio vaccine. It is important that most schools provide "recommended school admission vaccine requirements", these are in many cases just guidelines.
Getting enough sleep is critical to students' well-being and ability to learn. Adapting healthy sleep habits prior to the start of school could help students get the required rest they need. For younger children establish a bedtime routine to help children fall asleep and get a good night's rest. Children rest better if they skip caffeine after dinner, get regular exercise, turn off electronic devices an hour before bedtime, and silence phones so text messages or alerts don’t disrupt sleep. In addition, imposing an early bedtime on the weekends will make Monday mornings easier to deal with.
Healthy Snacks
It's important for children to develop healthy eating and snacking habits at an early age to help avoid obesity. Having a variety of healthy snacks on hand allow children to learn to make good choices. Have "anytime" snacks easily available for children, and storing them in a designated area, teaches children they can eat when they are hungry without having to ask permission. These options allow children to feel empowered and helps them practice making healthy choices.
A New Year at school can be an exciting yet stressful time, especially for students starting kindergarten or entering middle school. It's important for students to talk about what is bothering them and to get comfortable with the things that are causing the nervousness. Encourage students to practice doing whatever makes them anxious -- such as opening their locker or finding their classrooms -- until they learn through experience that the task is not as frightening as they thought.
Dental Hygiene
Regular dental exams are an important part of preventive health care. Students who brush their teeth, gums and tongue twice per day can reduce their risk of infection. It is important that children practice healthy dental habits daily and visit the dentist for a cleaning twice a year.
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